Upcoming Events
Embracing Innovation: Artificial Intelligence, Fundraising and Philanthropy
When it comes to artificial intelligence, some are comfortable and others not quite so. But how can we get to the “heart” of this tool in order to use it to maximize our fundraising and philanthropy efforts?
Forecasting Generosity: What the US and Global Economy Mean for Philanthropy Right Now
Join us for an important conversation on the current state of economics and how they can impact our work in fundraising and philanthropy.
Navigating the Client Relationship: Do’s & Don’ts for Nonprofit Consultants
Join us to sharpen your skills on managing the client relationship in nonprofit consultancy.
Influencer Philanthropy. Philanthropy Influencer? Gen Z, Millennials and the Impact of Social Media on Philanthropy
Join us for this important discussion on just how we can tap into social media to influence philanthropy and how social media influencers can be an important part of this process.
The Great Transfer of Wealth: How to Activate Millennial Philanthropy
With Special Guest, Celebrated Philanthropy Expert and Author, Dr. Holly Hull Miori
A Historic Event in Women’s Philanthropy: The Importance of Legacy with Kathleen Loehr
Kathleen Loehr joins us to discuss the importance of legacy and most of all, how we as women trailblazers can intentionally leave our legacies.
Taking Good Care in 2023
Start the year off with goal setting, time management and overall self-care for women development professionals.
Women Fundraisers and Caregiving: Giving Voice to Realities and Finding Tools to Thrive
We’re exploring the realities and challenges of being both a woman fundraiser and a caregiver.
A Sometimes Uneasy Sisterhood: Difficult Conversations Between Women of Color and White Women Fundraising Professionals
How to establish solidarity between women of color and white women fundraising professionals by tackling microaggressions and scarcity mindset.